Structure and Size of Malaria


What is the structure and size of malaria?


Malaria is caused by a single celled protist of the genus Plasmodium. It undergoes a complex life cycle, involving two separate asexual reproductive stages in the vertebrate host (including humans) and sexual reproduction as well as multiplication in the insect vector (all human malaria is transmitted by mosquitoes). As such, the parasite undergoes much structural and cellular change during its lifecycle, including to its size.

In terms of structure, most of the infectious stages of Plasmodium consist of a nucleus (which contains DNA, the cell’s genetic material), a mitochondrion (used for respiration and thus producing the energy for the cell), microtubules (for moving proteins and other molecules) and an apicoplast, which is a organ unique to this group of single-celled parasites which is thought to be implicated in the invasion of host cells. The surface of the organism is covered in different proteins, some of which are used for binding to target host cells.

First Cases of Malaria


What is the first infected person with Plasmodium?


Plasmodium, the single-celled parasite which causes malaria, has been infecting humans since ancient times. In fact, the first written reference to its symptoms dates back almost 5000 years, to an ancient Chinese manuscript! It was also known from the writings of other ancient peoples, such as the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians; when Europeans arrived in the Americas, they found that local tribes had long recognised the dangers of malaria, and already had natural remedies for fever, including the bark of the cinchona tree, which was later used to make quinine (a moden anti-malarial). As such, it is impossible to say now who the first person infected with Plasmodium was, but it definitely occurred many thousands of years ago.

However, it was only until the late 19th century that people understood that Plasmodium parasites caused malaria, and knew how to observe the infection in the patient’s blood. This was done was Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran, a French physician working in Algeria. As such, you could argue that the first person known to have Plasmodium was the patient he observed the parasite within, when he first described Plasmodium. Unfortunately, the patient had died of the disease; Laveran examined the blood after the patient had perished. I am not sure the patient’s name was recorded.

Vaccine for malaria? Differences with yellow fever?


Is there a vaccine to prevent malaria?
What is the difference between yellow fever and malaria?


In answer to your first question, no, there is not currently a vaccine available to prevent malaria. The best current candidate, the RTS,S vaccine which was developed by GlaxoSmithKline, is currently undergoing Phase III clinical trials in Africa. Although preliminary results showed up to a 50% rate of protection against malaria in some age groups, the trials will not conclude until 2014 and so full results will not be known until after that date.

As for your second question, while yellow fever and malaria are both transmitted by mosquitoes, they share few other similarities. Yellow fever is caused by a virus, for example, whereas malaria is caused by a single-celled parasite of the genus Plasmodium. The group of organisms that Plasmodium belongs to is often called “Protista” (the exact grouping and classification constantly changes!), and they more generally belong, based on cell type, to the Eukaryotes, an enormous group of organisms which also includes all mammals and even humans! Viruses, on the other hand, are tiny pieces of genetic material wrapped in a protein coating, and can hardly be described as alive in a conventional sense.

While both yellow fever and malaria are transmitted by mosquitoes, yellow fever is transmitted by the genus Aedes, whereas malaria is exclusively transmitted by the genus Anopheles (at least in humans, and all other mammals for that matter).While spraying inside households may reduce the prevalence of  both types of mosquitoes, Aedes mosquitoes tend to feed during the day, so sleeping under an insecticide-treated bednet is less protective against yellow fever than it is against malaria. Also, a vaccine is available for yellow fever (and has been available for over 50 years), whereas as I describe above, no such vaccine yet exists for malaria.

Finally, while superficially the symptoms of yellow fever and malaria may seem similar (fever, nausea, aches), other manifestations of the disease can be very different. Yellow fever is technically considered a hemorrhagic disease, since it can cause increased tendency to bleed in patients. Also, in some patients, the initial symptoms are followed by an acute liver phase, causing jaundice which can turn the patient yellow (and hence the name). Malaria can also affect the liver, and cause ild jaundice, but usually not to the extent of yellow fever.  Once a patient has been diagnosed with yellow fever, there is no specific treatment, and the patient is merely treated based on symptoms, to ease their discomfort. Vaccination is the mainstay of control of this disease, and has been very successful in many places; the total number of worldwide cases is estimated by the World Health Organization to be around 300,000, with 20,000 deaths, mainly in Africa.

The burden of malaria is also mainly felt in Africa, though the number of cases and deaths is vastly higher – globally, there are approximately 200 million cases of malaria in 2010, with almost 700,000 deaths. Along with the general symptoms of fever and nausea, the most dangerous manifestation of malaria is when it causes cerebral symptoms; this is usually only caused by Plasmodium falciparum malaria, and can lead to impaired consciousness, coma and even death. Also in contrast to yellow fever,  the mainstay of control is a combination of prevention (mostly with vector control, i.e. using bednets, indoor residual spraying and destruction of breeding habitats and larvae) and treatment (using a variety of medications).

Pathophysiology of Malaria


What is the pathophysiology of malaria?


Malaria causes disease through a number of pathways, which depend to a certain extent on the speciesMalaria is caused by a single-celled parasite of the genus Plasmodium; there are five species which infect humans, beingPlasmodium falciparumP. vivaxP. ovale, P. malariae and P. knowlesi.

All these species are introduced into the human blood stream through the bite of an infected mosquito; the life stage of malaria at this point is called a “sporozoite”, and they pass first to the liver, where they undergo an initial stage of replication (called “exo-erythrocytic replication”), before passing back into the blood and invading red blood cells (called “erythrocytes”, hence this is the “erythrocytic” part of the cycle). The malaria parasites that invade red blood cells are known as merozoites, and within the cell they replicate again, bursting out once they have completed a set number of divisions. It is this periodic rupturing of the red blood cells that causes most of the symptoms associated with malaria, as the host’s immune system responds to the waste products produced by the malaria parasites and the debris from the destroyed red blood cells. Different species of malaria rupture the red blood cells at different intervals, which leads to the diagnostic cycles of fever which characterise malaria; P. vivax, for example, tends to produce cycles of fever every two days, whereas P. malaria produces fever every three.

In addition, Plasmodium falciparum produces unique pathological effects, due to its manipulation of the host’s physiology. When it infects red blood cells, it makes them stick to the walls of tiny blood vessels deep within major organs, such as the kidneys, lungs, heart and brain. This is called “sequestration”, and results in reduced blood flow to these organs, causing the severe clinical symptoms associated with this infection, such as cerebral malaria.

More details on the exact biochemical mechanisms for sequestration and its effect on the pathology of the infection can be found on the Tulane University website.

What Causes Malaria


What are the causes of malaria?


Malaria is caused  by infection with certain single-celled parasites of the genus Plasmodium. Specifically, there are five species which infect humans: P. falciparum (the most severe and dangerous form of malaria), P. vivax, P. ovale, P. malariae and P. knowlesi.

The symptoms of the disease occur when the parasite enters the blood stream (after a brief 1-3 week period of development in the liver) and begins to enter red blood cells, reproduce inside them, and then burst out, destroying the cell. The debris caused by this bursting, as well as various other aspects of the process, cause the body to mount an intense immune reaction which results in high fever, chills, aches and nausea. For P. falciparum infection, the infection is particularly severe because the parasite causes red blood cells it infects to stick inside the small blood vessels that lead to major organs, reducing blood flow and causing oxygen deprivation. When this occurs in the blood vessels in the brain, the result is impaired consciousness, unconsciousness, coma and even death – hallmarks of what is known as “cerebral malaria,” which is implicated in many of the deaths related to malaria each year.

Anopheles Mosquito


Why is it only the female anopheles mosquito alone can cause malaria but not the male anopheles mosquito or any other mosquitoes?


Malaria is actually caused by a single-celled parasite called Plasmodium—it is transmitted via the bite of a female mosquito, of the genus Anopheles, as she takes a blood meal from a human (or other mammal) host. Male mosquitoes do not feed on blood (they only feed on nectar), whereas females need the nutrients from blood in order to produce their eggs; as such, only female Anopheles transmit mosquito.

Why only Anopheles are able to transmit malaria to humans is interesting—birds and reptiles also can get Plasmodium (though different species than those that infect humans and other mammals), and these kinds of malaria can also be transmitted by other kinds of mosquitoes, such as Aedes and Culex. Other closely related blood parasites can even be transmitted by other flying insects, such as sand flies and black flies. However, it is true that only Anopheles can transmit human malaria.

Malaria Prevention


What is malaria and the preventive measures?


Malaria is a disease caused by single-celled parasites of the genus Plasmodium. There are currently five species which cause disease in humans, and while each is slightly different, they all act in basically the same way, and cause similar symptoms. Of the five, the most dangerous is Plasmodium falciparum, which can lead to death in a matter of days if not treated promptly.

In terms of prevention, the same basic methods are used to prevent all types of malaria. These can be placed into two categories: medication and vector protection.

For medication, there are drugs you can take to prevent the malaria parasite from developing after someone is bitten by an infected mosquito. These drugs are known as “chemoprophylaxis.”

There are several different kinds, such as doxycycline, mefloquine (marketed as Lariam), atovaquone-proguanil (marketed as Malarone) and chloroquine—the type you use depends on the type of malaria present in the area. For example, in much of Africa and India, malaria is resistant to chloroquine, so this cannot be used as a prophylactic. In parts of Thailand, resistance to mefloquine has emerged. However, if the appropriate type of prophylaxis is used, it is very effective against malaria.

The problem is that these drugs have not been tested for long-term use, can be expensive and may have side-effects. Therefore they are of limited use for people who live in areas where malaria is endemic, and are more appropriate for travelers who are in malarial areas for short amounts of time. However, anti-malarial medication may be used in a very specific way for people at particularly high-risk for malaria, such as pregnant women and young children. In these cases, the high-risk individuals receive a dose or series of doses of malaria medication in order to prevent malaria. This form of prevention is known as intermittent preventive therapy (IPT).

Vector prevention involves protecting oneself against getting bitten by mosquitoes. This can involve wearing long-sleeved clothing in the evenings and at night, when malaria mosquitoes are most active, or wearing insect repellent on exposed skin. Indoor residual spraying, whereby repellent and insecticides are sprayed inside the house, can also be used to bring down the number of mosquitoes.

Another very effective technique for preventing malaria is to sleep under a long-lasting insecticide-treated bednet. The mesh acts as a barrier against the mosquitoes, and the insecticide impregnated in the mesh further repels the mosquitoes and prevents them from biting through the mesh.

Prevention of Malaria


What is the prevention of malaria?


Malaria prevention consists of a combination of mosquito avoidance measures and chemoprophylaxis. Although very efficacious, none of the recommended interventions are 100% effective.

Mosquito Avoidance Measures

  • Because of the nocturnal feeding habits of Anopheles mosquitoes, malaria transmission occurs primarily between dusk and dawn.
  • Contact with mosquitoes can be reduced by remaining in well-screened areas, using mosquito bed nets (preferably insecticide-treated nets), using a pyrethroid-containing flying-insect spray in living and sleeping areas during evening and nighttime hours, and wearing clothes that cover most of the body.
  • All travelers should use an effective mosquito repellent.
  • The most effective repellent against a wide range of vectors is DEET (N,N-diethylmetatoluamide), an ingredient in many commercially available insect repellents. The actual concentration of DEET varies widely among repellents. DEET formulations as high as 50% are recommended for both adults and children older than 2 months of age (see the Protection Against Mosquitoes, Ticks, and Other Insects and Arthropods section later in this chapter). DEET should be applied to the exposed parts of the skin when mosquitoes are likely to be present.
  • In addition to using a topical insect repellent, a permethrin-containing product may be applied to bed nets and clothing for additional protection against mosquitoes.

Read the full article about Malaria Prevention.

What is Malaria?


What is malaria?


Malaria is a serious and sometimes fatal disease caused by a parasite that commonly infects a certain type of mosquito which feeds on humans. People who get malaria are typically very sick with high fevers, shaking chills, and flu-like illness. Four kinds of malaria parasites can infect humans: Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale, and P. malariae. Infection with P. falciparum, if not promptly treated, may lead to death. Although malaria can be a deadly disease, illness and death from malaria can usually be prevented.

Malaria Symptoms


How does the virus cause the symptoms?


Malaria is actually not caused by a virus—it is caused by a microscopic single-celled parasite called Plasmodium. Several different species cause malaria in humans, the most common of which are P. vivax and P. falciparum.

To describe the process in a very oversimplified way, the malaria parasites cause disease by infecting red blood cells, multiplying inside them, then simultaneously bursting out again, destroying then red blood cell in the process. The sudden destruction of lots of red blood cells, plus the debris and waste products left behind by the malaria parasites, stimulate a rapid immune reaction, which itself causes the rapid spike of fever. The characteristic cycles of fever sometimes seen with malaria sufferers occurs because the malaria parasites synchronise their emergence from the red blood cells. The destruction of red blood cells, together with concurrent physiological changes associated with immune response and inflammation, can also lead to decreased haemoglobin levels and anaemia.

More severe clinical symptoms are often seen with P. falciparum malaria infection, particularly if not promptly diagnosed and treated. This is because the P. falciparum parasite infects a red blood cell, it changes the surface of the cell and makes it “sticky”; when the red blood cell then tries to pass through the small blood vessels that lead into the body’s organs, it becomes stuck. This process is known as “sequestration”. If enough red blood cells become sequestered in the organs, it can reduce blood flow to the organ, resulting in oxygen deprivation. When this happens in the blood vessels in the brain, the patient may experience impaired consciousness, confusion and even coma and death—this manifestation is known as “cerebral malaria.”