Malaria In Africa


What factors cause Africans to get this disease?


The highest number of malaria cases every year occur in Africa, not because of anything specifically due to the people living there (in fact, they may be better protected against malaria than most—I will come onto this later) but because malaria transmission is very high in many parts of sub-Saharan Africa and sufficient preventative measures are still lacking in some places.

Malaria transmission requires specific environmental criteria, such as sufficient temperature and rainfall. These conditions are met in many countries in Africa, and unlike some other parts of the world, temperatures are suitable year-round for the development of the Anopheles mosquitoes that act as the vector for mosquito, meaning that in some places, transmission can occur throughout the year. In addition, many people do not take appropriate preventative measures against malaria; in some cases, this is due to a lack of means to buy items such as insecticide-treated bednets, and in other cases people have not been educated about the dangers of malaria or how to prevent it, so they do not know what preventative measures they should be undertaking.

Organisations such as the World Health Organisation, the US Agency for International Development, the Global Fund, the Roll Back Malaria consortium and Malaria No More are working to improve both access to preventative measures, such as bednets and indoor residual spraying, while also educating people about the need for prevention and also what to do if they suspect themselves or a family member has malaria. These efforts have already reduced the burden of malaria in Africa; the number of deaths is dropping every year, and they hope to have eliminated deaths from malaria altogether by the year 2015.

I mentioned that Africans may be better protected against malaria naturally—scientists have noted that populations living in areas with high levels of malaria have some genetic protection against infection. One example of this is the Duffy antigen. People who are negative for this gene seem to be protected against Plasmodium vivax and P. knowlesi malaria (it was originally thought they were resistant to infection, but more recent evidence from Kenya suggests in fact they still get infected, but do not get as sick). Another is the gene for sickle cell anaemia; despite causing highly debilitating and even lethal anaemia if both copies of the gene are inherited, a single copy of the gene confers strong resistance against malaria. Both of these genetic traits are highly prevalent in African populations.

In addition, early exposure to malaria results in the acquisition of immunity to infection. This, over time, Africans who survive childhood malaria go on to be less susceptible as adults. The exception to this are pregnant women; in order to support the growing foetus, a pregnant women’s immune system becomes much weaker (otherwise there is a risk of the immune system rejecting the foetus). As such, even if she had high levels of acquired immunity to malaria prior to her pregnancy, once pregnant she becomes much more susceptible. This is particularly true for a woman’s first pregnancy.

Where did malaria start in Africa?


Where did malaria start in Africa?


Malaria has been present in Africa for tens of thousands of years; given this ancient history, it is very difficult to know exactly where it first entered the continent. Also, there are several different types of malaria in Africa, which have likely had different histories, and malaria researchers continually unearth new evidence regarding the origins of these different species.

For example, it has long been thought that Plasmodium falciparum, the most deadly form of malaria, emerged somewhere in the western Congo Basin in Central Africa. Originally, it was thought to have crossed over into humans from a closely related species found in chimpanzees, but recent research, published only in 2010, has suggested that a new species, found in gorillas, is actually the closer relative.

Plasmodium vivax, the most geographically widespread species of malaria that infects humans, has less clear origins. Many of its closely related species occur in south-east Asia, which leads some researchers to suggest this is where it emerged, passing into Africa as humans and their livestock moved across Asia towards the Middle East and North Africa, or possibly via  migration through Madagascar. However, other researchers argue that the high prevalence of certain genetic mutations which protect against Plasmodium vivax malaria found in populations in Africa and of African descent, and particularly West Africa, is evidence that P. vivax actually originated on this continent.