Anopheles Mosquito


Why is it only the female anopheles mosquito alone can cause malaria but not the male anopheles mosquito or any other mosquitoes?


Malaria is actually caused by a single-celled parasite called Plasmodium—it is transmitted via the bite of a female mosquito, of the genus Anopheles, as she takes a blood meal from a human (or other mammal) host. Male mosquitoes do not feed on blood (they only feed on nectar), whereas females need the nutrients from blood in order to produce their eggs; as such, only female Anopheles transmit mosquito.

Why only Anopheles are able to transmit malaria to humans is interesting—birds and reptiles also can get Plasmodium (though different species than those that infect humans and other mammals), and these kinds of malaria can also be transmitted by other kinds of mosquitoes, such as Aedes and Culex. Other closely related blood parasites can even be transmitted by other flying insects, such as sand flies and black flies. However, it is true that only Anopheles can transmit human malaria.