Does all malaria kill without treatment?


Does all malaria kill without treatment?


No. There are five main species of malaria which infect humans: Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale, P. malariae and P. knowlesi. Of these, P. falciparum is the most deadly, and can often cause death if left untreated.

The other four may also result in death, but more rarely, and usually only in high risk individuals, such as young children, pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems. Given the seriousness of the symptoms and the possibility of death in all cases, it is very important to seek medical advice if you suspect you have malaria. Once given accurate diagnosis of which type of malaria you have, you can be given appropriate treatment.

Full recovery from malaria?


Does a person get over malaria?


The majority of malaria cases are uncomplicated, and if diagnosed and treated early enough and correctly, the patient has every chance of making a full recovery from the infection. However, if treatment is delayed, or inappropriate treatment given, the infection can develop into more severe disease. Again, the chances of recovery are high given proper medical attention, but if not, malaria can certainly be fatal. Infection is usually most severe in children under 5 and pregnant women, meaning it is even more crucial for diagnosis and treatment to be made available for these high-risk groups. In many parts of the world, medical facilities are limited and treatment unavailable, which accounts for the high mortality caused by malaria, despite being easily treated in may circumstances.