Malaria Beliefs


How do beliefs and attitude affect the spread, treatment and prevention of malaria?


Accurate information and knowledge about how malaria is transmitted, diagnosed and treated is crucial to controlling the disease, for the general public living in malarial areas, travelers to these areas and health professionals. For example, many travelers are unaware that their destination is in a malaria transmission zone, so they do not take appropriate preventive precautions. Similarly, many travelers I have met believe that if they have had malaria once, they are immune and cannot get reinfected, so don’t bother protecting themselves from mosquitoes – this is not true, and they are inadvertently putting themselves at great risk.

In terms of endemic areas, the focus is on educating people about day-to-day preventive measures, such as sleeping under long-lasting insecticide treated bednets and indoor residual spraying. Educational campaigns that focus on simple, straightforward ways to prevent malaria are more likely to influence people’s attitudes and lead to better malaria control. Similarly, teaching people to seek accurate diagnosis and then ensuring they have appropriate treatment is an important step.

In some places, people feel they cannot afford to visit a doctor or clinic, or would rather place their trust in a traditional healer or healing herbs; since the most effective medications against malaria are treatments such as artemisinin-based combination therapies, which are available through official health sources such as clinics, believing in traditional medicine can lead to the malaria infection becoming very severe, and even resulting in death. As such, another component to control is making sure that medical services such as clinics are easily accessible even for the poorest people, provide good health care and are affordable.

Malaria Outbreaks


What is the largest outbreak in the world from malaria?


Most parts of the world don’t suffer from malaria “outbreaks” in the traditional sense of the world. Instead, malaria is “endemic,” which means that transmission is on-going all of the time. In some cases, transmission is seasonal, but each year’s level of disease incidence is similar to the next year’s. Having said this, despite no major and obvious “outbreaks” malaria has probably killed more people in history than any other disease.

Outbreaks of malaria do occur in places where malaria is not usually found, though these are usually small and isolated. For example, while Jamaica was previously malaria free, an outbreak in 2006/2007 resulted in 370 cases. By the end of 2007, it had been declared malaria-free once more, as transmission was interrupted. In 2002, a man with Plasmodium vivax caused an outbreak among 10 fellow campers at a camp site in Northern Queensland, Australia. In the US in 2008, almost a thousand cases of malaria were reported, though most of those were imported cases from travellers who had recently returned from malaria endemic areas, and therefore did not get infected within the US.

Malaria in Brazil


Is there Malaria in Brazil? If so, what pills do I need to take?


Yes, there is malaria in many parts of Brazil, and more than one type: about 75% of cases in Brazil are caused by Plasmodium vivax, whereas the rest are from infections with P. falciparum, the more acute and dangerous species of malaria. Brazil does have good information as to the distribution of malaria across the country; in terms of affected states, the full list is as follows:

Acre, Amapa, Amazonas, Maranhao (western part), Mato Grosso (northern part), Para (except Belem City), Rondonia, Roraima, and Tocantins.

This includes cities within the above districts, such as Boa Vista, Macapa, Manaus, Maraba, Porto Velho and Santarem, and particularly on the outskirts where transmission is highest. It is worth noting that malaria is not considered to be a problem in the region of Iguassu Falls.

In terms of malaria prevention, the CDC recommends Larium (mefloquine is the generic name), Malarone (atovaquone or proguanil are the generic names) or doxycycline, due to the presence of chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum in some areas. Deciding between which of these to take depends on a number of factor, including cost, known side-effects, and, not least of all, personal preference. For a discussion on the pros and cons of these various form of prophylaxis, check out the discussion “Malaria Prophylaxis” on this website.